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PAYDAY 2: Sydney Character Pack Download Bittorrent


About This Content Anarchy isn’t just a watered down symbol on a t-shirt...The Sydney Character Pack is the 34th DLC for PAYDAY 2. Heisters can now play as the furious Sydney. It also contains the Anarchist Perk Deck together with the Bootleg Assault Rifle and Wing Melee Knife.Sydney originates from Australia, but more importantly, from the electric and unleashing mayhem called PUNK. She’s been ruling the backstreets of Melbourne, infusing anarchy and havoc wherever she felt it was needed. But now she’s grown tired of fighting the same fuzz over and over. So with nothing more than her attitude she kicks in the US door and sets her aim on the best heisters in the world - the PAYDAY gang.The Anarchist Perk Deck - it's all about keep standing and keep fighting without, to quote Sydney: “hide behind crates like a f**king wanker!”. The Anarchist lets you fight on as your armor is almost beyond what bullets can penetrate.The Bootleg assault rifle - is Sydney’s weapon of choice. As it was her first automatic weapon she seldom lets it out of her sight. The additional ammo in the LMG drum mag is also fun when you're simply too bored to reload.Two new, unique mods - comes with the Bootleg Assault Rifle. The AML Barrel and the Bootstrap Compensator. In combination with the Bootleg, they’ll inflict that much-sought chaos.Some have a rabbit’s foot, maybe some carries a rosary - But for Sydney, it’s her beloved butterfly knife, Wing. Fidgeting with it keeps her calm - for a while. But some time even she can’t control her steel based pet and attacks.Sydney’s mask - is the embodiment of that special, little bastard who enjoys when stuff burns. With a big smirking smile she approaches upcoming victims - signaling that what she’s about to do, isn’t just a necessary evil to get the job done - it’s also fun! 1075eedd30 Title: PAYDAY 2: Sydney Character PackGenre: Action, RPGDeveloper:OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio.Release Date: 12 May, 2016 PAYDAY 2: Sydney Character Pack Download Bittorrent The gun is underwhelming, being a bad hybrid between an assault rifle and an LMG. It sacrifices 200 ammo, 100 magazine and a lot of ammo pickup just so you can aim down sights. The meat of this pack is the anarchist perk deck, reducing your max health but massively increasing armor, up to 400 with the ICTV. Great for deathwish and one down difficulties if you prefer armor over dodge, but you need to play aggressive for your armor to regenerate.Sydney as a character is up to personal preferance.. Great characterOkay weaponShe also has a CSGO knife. Must have DLC. Sydney's a \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665. I hate her lines and her voice drives me nuts. But her deck... Oh dear sweet baby Jesus, her perk deck.This DLC gives you an [s]LMG[\/s] "assault rifle" with a 100-round twin drum magazine, but asides from playing the piano in the safehouse for a whole song without reloading this has very little utility, with its low damage and accuracy.Obviously you get masks and a character, but these don't affect play and they're pretty\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665anyway.More importantly you'll get Sydney's spectacular perk deck, "Anarchist."If you don;t know, Anarchist is an armour deck. It's actually more extreme an armour deck than Armourer.Anarchist does three things:-Changes the way your armour regenerates,-Gives you a two-second grace period of immunity to health damage when your armour breaks, and...-Trades half your health for over twice that value in armour.Let me explain the massive benefits of these three attributes.First, your armour regeneration changes drastically.Instead of recovering your armour after avoiding any damage for several seconds, you will constantly regenerate armour throughout a fight. However, you may find that just standing out in the open with dozers and snipers shooting at you won't get you very far above Mayhem. This is where Bullseye comes in.Anarchist gives you a flat 10 armour every hit you land, and the bullseye skill from Armourer gives you another 35 if it's a headshot. There is a two-second cooldown on both, so bring a slower-firing, hard-hitting weapon (I use snipers or sometimes 870 shotguns) and land consistent headshots to keep my armour up. If you only expose yourself to cops you're shooting at, and can land consistent hits, then you can quite easily keep your armour up for an entire heist below Death Wish. The hardest thing about htis deck is fighting everything every other deck has taught you - you don't get armour from cowering in a corner and waiting for a breath of fresh air. You stand up and fight, and you get armour.Furthermore, if your armour does break, which it shouldn't below DW, then you will be immune to health damage for two seconds. This won't prtect any armour you build up from damage or gradual recovery, though - so when your armour does break, it's time to get to cover - especially since it has a lengthy 15-second cooldown and you have a very small health pool under that EOD suit you're wearing.Okay, we get it. Anarchist has lots of armour. But what about One Down? One DOwn is where you really need the best from your perk decks and skill trees, so what's the story up there on the highest difficulty?Well it only gets better from here.A core component of 1D is the amount of damage the cops deal. The difference between DW and 1D is astonishing, and almost all builds wil fall into Swan Song in under a second of fire from just a single three-man squad of cops.Now Anarchist is usually used with heavy armour, so it's good for bunkering to wait out an escape sequence. By staying close to cover so you can duck into it as soon as your armour breaks, a single Anarchist dug into a corner can hold out almost indfeinitely. This is where having lots of armour truly shines, because lsogin health on 1D will sap a team of meds very quickl;y, but armour is easy to recover.This is where we start to get clever.If you get hit by any gun bigger than a Glock (Chimano) on One Down and your armour isn't up it'll down you, just like that. No tanking, no ability to recover your health. So... logically, it doesn't matter if we throw away what little health we have left, seeing as it's useless anyway.This is where Frenzy and Berserker skills from the Fugitive tree come in.Frenzy will reduce your maximum helath, yes, but remeber we had almost nothing to begin with anyway so it doesn't matter. What does matter is that it will give you a flat 25% damage reduction to ALL damage, EVER, and help your armour stand up to the rage of 1D, but more improtantly it will permanently trigger Berserker and you'll deal double damage to cops with all firearms. This is pretty much the ultimate ammo skill - instead of bringing Fully Loaded, for 25% more ammo, every shot you take counts for two. So that doubles your ammo, a 100% increase! Numbers!Absuing this Anarchist + Berserker combo makes Anarchist tank builds tough and powerful in a 1D bunker situation - but what if you want mobility?The last thing I still haven't covered is running Annie with lighter armour.You see, where as Wolf's Armourer deck gives you a bonus based on how much armour you already have, encouraging you to wear heavy armour, Annie gives you a static buff based off your health, not your armour. That means that, with armour skills, it gives the two-piece suit over 200 armour (the Improved Combined Tacitcal Vest, the heaviest armour ingame, only has a base value of 180)!This gives a budding ANarchist the ability to not only have thick armour with high mobility, but even to pair dodge with it too! Perhaps the best way to get great value from a sharply dressed Anarchist is to grab the aced sprinter skill in the dodge tree to gain a 25% dodge chance while sprinting. The higher level dodge skills can cramp your style, demanding high concealment weapons and preventing you from packing heavy kit like the .50 cal that is so wonderful on 1D.A 30% dodge chance, running at full speed, with 200 armour, a flat 25% damage reduction to everything incoming and dobule damage from all firearms....BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE!Running the suit with Anarchist will reduce your gradual armour regeneration in the long run, but what it will also do is constantly automatically armour gate for you. By regenerating trace amounts of armour almost constantly, the self-respecting Anarchist can negate even very heavy damage from shotguns and rifles. Be careful of focus fire, because if two shots hit you at the same time while your invulnerability is on cooldown you're more toast than a stick of charcoal, but if you bring heavby weapons that stagger well and keep that rmour regenerating you can rock 1D like nobody's business. If you don't have this DLC already. buy it right now. Not only is this a super-competitive way to contribute to the team on 1D, but it's also a new and exciting way to play and I think you'll have a heck of a time running Anarchist.Guys, the DLC - go get it.. EDIT: For those of you who are as disappointed with this pack as I am, it is still eligible for a Steam refund. Go to https:\/\/\/en\/ sign in with your steam account, click "A Purchase," click Sydney Character Pack, and click "It wasn't what I expected." Good luck on getting your five dollars back!Do not buy this character pack. Literally everything about it is trash.1: The Perk DeckAnarchist is supposed to be a perk deck based on staying in combat and dealing damage constantly. This perk deck actually forces you to do the opposite. Whereas with a normal deck you can just go into cover and regen your armor in 2 seconds, this deck forces you to stay exposed and continue taking damage. This means you have to cower behind cover and peek out to take pot shots every so often if you want to stay alive. The armor regen speed is ridiculously slow, about twice as slow as grinder. The damage-for-armor is 10 armor.Yes, you read that right, 10 armor. And whats worse is that only works every 1.5 seconds.This perk deck will not allow you to stay in combat for any longer than a normal deck would.2: The WeaponsThe melee is trash. Its equal to the knives in damage, except it has worse range. However, it is the only slightly good feature of this pack as its pretty fun to flip it around in stealth. Other than that its worthless.The gun is also trash. You'll find yourself constantly running out of ammo because it can't reach a decent damage even with Silent Killer. The maximum possible accuracy with every single perk, even in the beta, is only 80, meaning you will have to shoot a sniper 4-5 times to kill him. On death wish, this gun cannot even 3 shot tans. I believe it takes around 4-5 shots to the head to kill one tan, meaning you will actually lose ammo killing enemies now. The LMG mag is cute and all, but it really isn't much better than a normal magazine. Mags take less than 2 seconds to reload anyway, so whats the point of a 100 round magazine? Also, the magazine is not transferrable or modifiable. It only works on the bootleg and it cannot be swapped out.3: The CharacterSydney is just a more annoying version of Clover, if they hired a very special person to voice Clover. Her accent sounds forced and her lines are boring. Her mask is a carbon copy of Bonnie's, and looks ugly. There's nothing special at all about Sydney herself. Do.Not.Waste.Your.Money.. Alright, so I like many others here was skeptical at first of this dlc and I almost ignored it based on the reviews but after finally getting it to give it a try I want to set a few things straight.Firstly: The bootleg rifle can get up to a 100 stability. I am unsure what all of these apes are doing to \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665 that up but whatever.Secondly: Despite the fairly low accuracy, I can still hit and even kill high level enemies (Tans, and even death wish cops) with relative ease. All in all I see no issue with the rifle. That being said, Its kind of a mid ground weapon. Other weapons feel more specialized while this one sort of tries to be a lot in one. I can easily see it being practical as compared to other established weapons but in all honesty will probably likely go back to my svd until it gets a buff or two.The knife is badass. I have a butterfly knife in real life and love the thing to death. Its actually why I decided to give this a spin in the first place.The Perk Deck is not really my thing and it sounds sort of underwhelming at the moment but I am sure it'll see buffs.The character is pretty cool. I like the looks of the character and all that but the voice is kind of high pitched. Like, really high pitched. I'll probably remain on Bodhi but she'll probably be my new second or third pick. This community has to be the most toxic group of cry babies I have ever seen. Make sure to dig around in the positive reviews and not just let the hater reviews bring you down.. Sydney's a \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665. I hate her lines and her voice drives me nuts. But her deck... Oh dear sweet baby Jesus, her perk deck.This DLC gives you an [s]LMG[\/s] "assault rifle" with a 100-round twin drum magazine, but asides from playing the piano in the safehouse for a whole song without reloading this has very little utility, with its low damage and accuracy.Obviously you get masks and a character, but these don't affect play and they're pretty\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665anyway.More importantly you'll get Sydney's spectacular perk deck, "Anarchist."If you don;t know, Anarchist is an armour deck. It's actually more extreme an armour deck than Armourer.Anarchist does three things:-Changes the way your armour regenerates,-Gives you a two-second grace period of immunity to health damage when your armour breaks, and...-Trades half your health for over twice that value in armour.Let me explain the massive benefits of these three attributes.First, your armour regeneration changes drastically.Instead of recovering your armour after avoiding any damage for several seconds, you will constantly regenerate armour throughout a fight. However, you may find that just standing out in the open with dozers and snipers shooting at you won't get you very far above Mayhem. This is where Bullseye comes in.Anarchist gives you a flat 10 armour every hit you land, and the bullseye skill from Armourer gives you another 35 if it's a headshot. There is a two-second cooldown on both, so bring a slower-firing, hard-hitting weapon (I use snipers or sometimes 870 shotguns) and land consistent headshots to keep my armour up. If you only expose yourself to cops you're shooting at, and can land consistent hits, then you can quite easily keep your armour up for an entire heist below Death Wish. The hardest thing about htis deck is fighting everything every other deck has taught you - you don't get armour from cowering in a corner and waiting for a breath of fresh air. You stand up and fight, and you get armour.Furthermore, if your armour does break, which it shouldn't below DW, then you will be immune to health damage for two seconds. This won't prtect any armour you build up from damage or gradual recovery, though - so when your armour does break, it's time to get to cover - especially since it has a lengthy 15-second cooldown and you have a very small health pool under that EOD suit you're wearing.Okay, we get it. Anarchist has lots of armour. But what about One Down? One DOwn is where you really need the best from your perk decks and skill trees, so what's the story up there on the highest difficulty?Well it only gets better from here.A core component of 1D is the amount of damage the cops deal. The difference between DW and 1D is astonishing, and almost all builds wil fall into Swan Song in under a second of fire from just a single three-man squad of cops.Now Anarchist is usually used with heavy armour, so it's good for bunkering to wait out an escape sequence. By staying close to cover so you can duck into it as soon as your armour breaks, a single Anarchist dug into a corner can hold out almost indfeinitely. This is where having lots of armour truly shines, because lsogin health on 1D will sap a team of meds very quickl;y, but armour is easy to recover.This is where we start to get clever.If you get hit by any gun bigger than a Glock (Chimano) on One Down and your armour isn't up it'll down you, just like that. No tanking, no ability to recover your health. So... logically, it doesn't matter if we throw away what little health we have left, seeing as it's useless anyway.This is where Frenzy and Berserker skills from the Fugitive tree come in.Frenzy will reduce your maximum helath, yes, but remeber we had almost nothing to begin with anyway so it doesn't matter. What does matter is that it will give you a flat 25% damage reduction to ALL damage, EVER, and help your armour stand up to the rage of 1D, but more improtantly it will permanently trigger Berserker and you'll deal double damage to cops with all firearms. This is pretty much the ultimate ammo skill - instead of bringing Fully Loaded, for 25% more ammo, every shot you take counts for two. So that doubles your ammo, a 100% increase! Numbers!Absuing this Anarchist + Berserker combo makes Anarchist tank builds tough and powerful in a 1D bunker situation - but what if you want mobility?The last thing I still haven't covered is running Annie with lighter armour.You see, where as Wolf's Armourer deck gives you a bonus based on how much armour you already have, encouraging you to wear heavy armour, Annie gives you a static buff based off your health, not your armour. That means that, with armour skills, it gives the two-piece suit over 200 armour (the Improved Combined Tacitcal Vest, the heaviest armour ingame, only has a base value of 180)!This gives a budding ANarchist the ability to not only have thick armour with high mobility, but even to pair dodge with it too! Perhaps the best way to get great value from a sharply dressed Anarchist is to grab the aced sprinter skill in the dodge tree to gain a 25% dodge chance while sprinting. The higher level dodge skills can cramp your style, demanding high concealment weapons and preventing you from packing heavy kit like the .50 cal that is so wonderful on 1D.A 30% dodge chance, running at full speed, with 200 armour, a flat 25% damage reduction to everything incoming and dobule damage from all firearms....BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE!Running the suit with Anarchist will reduce your gradual armour regeneration in the long run, but what it will also do is constantly automatically armour gate for you. By regenerating trace amounts of armour almost constantly, the self-respecting Anarchist can negate even very heavy damage from shotguns and rifles. Be careful of focus fire, because if two shots hit you at the same time while your invulnerability is on cooldown you're more toast than a stick of charcoal, but if you bring heavby weapons that stagger well and keep that rmour regenerating you can rock 1D like nobody's business. If you don't have this DLC already. buy it right now. Not only is this a super-competitive way to contribute to the team on 1D, but it's also a new and exciting way to play and I think you'll have a heck of a time running Anarchist.Guys, the DLC - go get it.. This Character will soon be like Dragan. a Useless character no one will remember or even bother to a female heister myself, i prefer clover as her voice isn't as bad as this character. seriously, this character sounds like she should belong in some anime and in her bio it says she is 24, she sounds younger than 13 for me.the gun, it is actually decent if you know how to use it.the character, it honestly is very hard to find a good mask for this character because of the side hair.i honestly do love when you play as this character and have the first person view of their arms and gloves which is amazing work and so awesome.the knife though, oh god, there is only one animation for the knife and it honestly is the worst knife i have ever touched. it really is weak and very slow, there is also no charge, holding the attack button just does some slip knife tricks and that is all.all in all, only get this character when you have money to spare. otherwise, get clover.that is all, if you wish to heist with me, add me or something.oh and her mask is the worst.

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